Quick Guide to SAPIEN Software Activation
- Details
- Written by June Reif
- Last Updated: 13 December 2019
- Created: 05 July 2016
- Hits: 29084
So, you just got a new license to a SAPIEN product. You’ve run the installer, launched the product and you were presented with a screen like this:
Where do you go from here? Well, since you already have an Activation Key, you can pretty much ignore the buttons on the top right.
Instead, focus on the section below the text “If you have an Activation Key, please enter or paste your information into the fields below.”
If you DO NOT already have a SAPIEN account, click the “Create Account” button to create an account.
This will launch your browser and take you through the steps to create your SAPIEN account.
If you DO have a SAPIEN account, you can obviously skip that step.
Enter your SAPIEN account username in the field that is labeled “Username” and your SAPIEN account password in the field labeled “Password”.
Enter your Activation Key in the place provided—hyphens are optional.
Click on the “Activate” button which is now highlighted.
If your activation is successful, you will be presented with a screen that says the following:
Should an issue arise and the activation fails, you will be presented with a fairly clear explanation of what happened as shown in the example below.
Make sure you have entered everything correctly and try again. If you still can’t activate, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Although our example uses PowerShell ModuleManager, this procedure is the same for PowerShell Studio, PrimalScript, VersionRecall, PrimalSQL, PrimalXML, PowerShell HelpWriter, WMI Explorer and the SAPIEN DevOps Suite. All activations require an active internet connection. There can, on occasion, be exceptions to that rule. If you have a legitimate reason for needing offline access, please fill out a request for an offline file. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
For licensed customers, use the forum associated with your product in our Product Support Forums for Registered Customers.
For users of trial versions, please post in our Former and Future Customers - Questions forum.