iPowerShell Pro: How to add manually generated help files
- Details
- Written by Ferdinand Rios
- Last Updated: 14 April 2016
- Created: 29 May 2013
- Hits: 10842
iPowerShell Pro uses two mandatory files to display cmdlet help: the PowerShell Help Formatted XML file and an automatically generated .index file. We also use three optional files: a user-generated .info file and two user created .png files.
The .xml file (required)
Properly formatted PowerShell Help files can be created manually using an XML editor like SAPIEN’s PrimalXML, a standard text editor like PrimalScript, or by using third party tools such as the Cmdlet Help Editor put out by the PowerShell team. Please use all lowercase for the filename.
The .index file (automatically generated)
The .index file is automatically generated when you Rebuild the cmdlets.
The .info file (optional)
The .info file should follow the naming pattern:
If your Snap-in is loaded in your PowerShell console then this file can be generated by executing the following statement:
Get-PsSnapin <snapin name> | select * | Out-File -FilePath <path_to_store_.info_file>
If you do not add the .info file, then there will be no Disclosure button on the right of the library listing in iPowerShell Pro’s Libs module. This is OK and will not interfere with the use of iPowerShell Pro. Please use all lowercase for the filename.
The .png files (optional)
iPowerShell Pro uses two optional .png files that are added to the left of the cmdlet listing in the Cmdlet module. Missing .png files will not impact the use of iPowerShell Pro. Please use all lowercase for the filename.
The first .png file should follow the following naming pattern:
This file is a 25×25 pixel .png image file. The second .png file should follow the naming pattern:
<mycmdletname>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This file should be identical to the first file but is a 50×50 pixel version.
You can add your own help files to iPowerShell Pro by following the directions below.
- Make sure all added files have lowercase names. iOS is Case Sensitive for filenames.
- Connect your device to iTunes.
- Select the device in the Devices section of the left column.
- Click on the “Apps” button at the top of the Main Window area.
- Scroll down until you see the “File Sharing” section.
- In the “APPS’ list, select iPowerShell Pro.
- Drag the appropriate files (.xml, .info, .png files) into the iPowerShell Pro Documents list.
- Launch iPowerShell Pro on your device.
- Select Cmdlets from the Services list.
- Press the “Refresh” button at the top right.
- Press the “Rebuild” button in the popup.
- Your new data should now show up in the list.
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