SAPIEN Information Center
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Using the Return Keyword in PowerShell Classes
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Another PowerShell V3 breakpoint bug
But it works on my machine...
Debugging Modules in PowerShell Studio
Debugging multiple scripts with PrimalScript
Debugging PowerShell modules with PrimalScript
PowerShell Debugging: You can change variables but don’t shoot yourself in the foot!
PowerShell V2 Bug Introduced After Installing V3
PowerShell V3 breakpoint bug
PrimalScript: PowerShell Debugger enhancements
PrimalScript: VBScript gets a debug console
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Advanced GUI Tips
Creating Responsive Loops
PowerShell Studio: Creating Responsive Forms
Preventing Multiple Button Clicks
Validating the Form
Ambient Properties
ComboBox of Colors
Common Properties and Methods
Control Set: TextBox - Watermark
Designing Charts for PowerShell
Getting Form Control Help
I see a gray form and I want it painted black!
The Button Control
The CheckBox control
The ComboBox Control
The ContextMenuStrip Control
The ErrorProvider Control
The FolderBrowserModernDialog Control
The Form Control
The ImageList Control
The Label Control
The ListView Control
The MaskedTextBox Control
The MessageBox Control
The NotifyIcon Control
The PictureBox Control
The ProgressBar Control
The ProgressBarOverlay Control
The RadioButton Control
The StatusBar Control
The StatusStrip Control
The TabControl
The TextBox Control
The Timer Control
The ToolTip Control
The TreeView Control
GUI Design / Best Practice
A Branded Image for a PowerShell GUI App
Designing GUIs for High DPI Displays
Got Shrinkage?
Single form or multiple dialogs?
User interface design for administrators
GUI Scripting
Adding auto-complete to an input textbox
Closing the Form: What you might expect and what really happens
Copy to Clipboard in a GUI Application
Create an Awesome Fade In Form
Creating a GUI for CSV Data
Displaying Output in a GUI Application
Handling Progress with a Background Job in a GUI Application
How Do Multi-Form Projects Work?
How I learned to love DialogResult
How to Add Icons to a ListView
Manage Errors in a GUI Application
PowerShell GUI Apps: Why think in events?
PowerShell GUI Debugging Tip: Duplicate Event Handlers
PowerShell GUIs - File Dialog Hanging
PowerShell GUIs: Where do I start?
PowerShell Scoping - Revisited
PowerShell Studio: Enable and Disable Groups of Controls
PowerShell Studio: Initializing my GUI controls
PowerShell Studio: Knowing when to use STA mode
PowerShell Studio: OnApplicationLoad Function
PowerShell Studio: Passing and Returning Values using Forms
Scope in a PowerShell GUI App
The Methods that Register Events
The Progress Bar
The Versatile Tag Property
Typing Enter Pushes a Button
Why does this button close my form?
Write a Multi-Form PowerShell GUI App
Packaging and Deployment
Adding custom menu items to PowerShell tray applications
Displaying Help for a Script in an Executable File
Distributing files with your packaged scripts
From regular user to elevated administrator...
From script to server - Deploying solutions with PrimalScript
How safe are credentials in script packages?
New Script Engines for Windows PowerShell
Output from a Script in an Executable File
Parsing Parameters for a Script in an Executable File
Passing Parameters to a Script in an Executable File
Revisiting The Packager and Command Line Arguments
The Packager and Command line Arguments
Why do I need a time stamp when signing a script?
Engine Type Prerequisites
Quick Guides
Feature Comparison Chart
How To Generate an Online Quote
How to retrieve your Activation Key
Installing PowerShell 6 - For Everyone
Managing Individual Activation Key(s)
Managing Multiple Licenses with a Single Activation Key
Managing Your Activations
Quick Guide to SAPIEN Software Activation
Quick Guide to SAPIEN Support
SAPIEN Software Activation / Deactivation FAQ
Script Signing Made Simple
Setting up PowerShell on your Mac
Software Activation Issues?
WinForms Control Reference for PowerShell
Offline Activation File Replaces Offline License Key
SAPIEN Software Subscriptions
How to add a seat to your Subscription
Configuring the AutoUnlock File
SAPIEN How To...
iPowerShell Pro
Connecting to PowerShell Web Access with iPowerShell Pro
iPowerShell Pro: How to add manually generated About_Help files
iPowerShell Pro: How to add manually generated Alias tables
iPowerShell Pro: How to add manually generated help files
iPowerShell Pro: How to add videos
iPowerShell Pro: How to connect to your PSWA server
iPowerShell Pro: How to get your initial data sets
iPowerShell Pro: How to select, edit and execute shared scripts on your server
iPowerShell Pro: How to setup and manage scripts with cloud drive services
iPowerShell Pro: How to use the pipeline builder
Using iPowerShell Pro's PowerShell Web Access connection
Add custom tools to the menu
Creating a Windows Application with PowerShell
Do I choose 32 bit or 64 bit?
Four ways to package a non-GUI PowerShell script as an executable file
How to use the Export Cache Command-line Tool
Installing Windows Services Created with PowerShell
Need help? There’s a support group for that!
Not all syntax coloring is created equal
PrimalScript & PowerShell Studio Tip: Install new module
Video - Four ways to package a non-GUI PowerShell script as an executable file
What to do when you install a new version of PowerShell?
Working with Azure cmdlets in Background Jobs Video
PowerShell HelpWriter
Create a Single Function Help File
Create a Single Function Help File Video Tutorial
Rebuild in PowerShell HelpWriter: Two ways to update help from code
PowerShell ModuleManager
Disabling Modules with PowerShell ModuleManager
Publishing Modules with PowerShell ModuleManager
PowerShell Studio
Azure Background Jobs in GUI application with Helper Functions
Be a splash screen superstar with this template!
Collapse This! Using Regions to Organize Your Scripts
Comment it out!
Enhanced Input: A grand compromise
Expand All Aliases: Ctrl+Shift+A
Giving a talk? PowerShell Studio Presentation Features
Hidden Charms of PowerShell Studio
Hidden Charms of PowerShell Studio - #2
Holy Splash Screens Batman!
How to execute a script from a Windows Form and capture the output in a text box
How to prevent Powershell cmdlets from hanging in GUI apps
How to work with resizing forms and anchoring controls
Is there a PSEdit for PowerShell Studio?
PowerShell Studio Templates: Get a head start on your scripts
PowerShell Studio tip: Show hotkey list
PowerShell Studio tip: Get formatted code for a blog or readme
PowerShell Studio tip: Open a snippet directory on disk
PowerShell Studio tip: Show whitespace characters
PowerShell Studio tip: View and change file encoding
PowerShell Studio: Cache Editor Feature
PowerShell Studio: Code Formatting
PowerShell Studio: Collection Project
PowerShell Studio: Comment-Based Help
PowerShell Studio: Comment-Based Help Templates
PowerShell Studio: Convert Functions into a Module
PowerShell Studio: Custom Menu Features & GIT template
PowerShell Studio: Custom PrimalSense
PowerShell Studio: Editor Coloring
PowerShell Studio: File Templates
PowerShell Studio: Find In Files
PowerShell Studio: Form Recovery
PowerShell Studio: Function Builder
PowerShell Studio: Improved Function Builder
PowerShell Studio: Rename Refactoring
PowerShell Studio: Verify Script
Property Pane: Change property values of multiple objects
Refreshing Local Cache of PowerShell Cmdlets and Modules
Refreshing Local Cache PowerShell Cmdlets and Modules
Run Selection v. Run Selection in Console
SAPIEN PowerShell Studio Working with Azure Cmdlets In Background Jobs
Setting Conditional Breakpoints
There's only one right place for curly braces
Use PSScriptAnalyzer in PowerShell Studio
Where are v3 and v4? PowerShell Versions in PowerShell Studio
Why can’t I edit my PowerShell script?
Working with Azure Cloud Shell
Working with Azure cmdlets in Background Jobs in a GUI app Video
Working with PowerShell Core
Working with Remote Systems
Working with Remote Systems - PowerShell remoting
Working with Remote Systems Video - Caching Remote Systems PowerShell Modules
Working with Tab Control GUI Template Video
Working with Windows Control Event Handlers in PowerShell Studio
Working with Windows Form Control Event Handlers
Command Window Option
Creating PowerShell Windows Service with PrimalScript
Custom Actions in PrimalScript’s MSI Builder
Don't always start from scratch
How can I make PrimalScript execute [fill in script language here]?
How To Work with PowerShell Core in PrimalScript
LOST! The forgotten features
PrimalScript has Custom PrimalSense
PrimalScript Tip: Show whitespace characters
PrimalScript: Restore Points
Setup WSL Bash with PowerShell Core in PrimalScript
The Return of the File Browser
Using Bash with PrimalScript
Using PowerShell Core in PrimalScript
WMI Explorer
Enable WMI Explorer Remote Connection Permissions
Enable WMI Explorer Windows 8 Remote Connection Permissions
WMI Explorer Windows 8 Remote Connection Issues
WMI Explorer: Connect to remote computers.
WMI Explorer: Find, Search and Filter
WMI Explorer: Running Queries
SAPIEN Website
Password and Username Policies
Forum Feature: Upvoting
Forum Feature: Marking the Best Answer
Deleting your SAPIEN Account
Beyond custom objects: Create a .NET class
Creating Objects in Windows PowerShell
Find variables with class
Hidden... sort of: The Hidden Keyword in Windows PowerShell 5.0 Preview
ImplementingAssembly: Find PowerShell Classes in Modules
Inheritance in PowerShell Classes
Using Statement: Import PowerShell Classes from Modules
Using the Return Keyword in PowerShell Classes
Why Do We Need Constructors?
Help with Help
Advanced Help for Advanced Functions - #PSBlogWeek
Get help for modules on other machines
HelpUri v. HelpInfoUri
How to Write About Help for your Module
Setting Parameter Attributes in PowerShell Help
Troubleshooting Comment-Based Help
Writing Help for Dynamic Parameters
Writing XML Help for Advanced Functions
How to...
Advanced PowerShell Functions: Begin to Process to End
How to find an installation directory
Take Values from the Pipeline in PowerShell
Exporting from Modules: A Reminder
Get Commands in a Nested Module
Get Release Notes
How to Pass Parameters to a Pester Test Script
How to Run a Pester Test
Invoke-Pester: Running Selected Tests
PSModulePath Discrepancies
Testing Pester Code Coverage
The Effect of SkipPublisherCheck
Update-Module 5.0 adds, not updates
Using Group-Object to Detect Command Name Conflicts
Using Module-Qualified Cmdlet Names
Using Prefixes to Prevent Command Name Collision
Which Version Does Import-Module Import?
You Cannot Remove That Module
Scripting Language
Enabling deep script block logging
Why I don't use ValidatePattern
Tips and Tricks
A Better ToString() Method for Hash Tables
Adding Parameter Sets to a Function
Calling a Method without Parentheses
Delete Desktop Icons: A Windows PowerShell Tip
Developing PowerShell scripts for other machines
Enumerated Types in Windows PowerShell 5.0
Finding PowerShell 5.0
First rule of PowerShell scoping rules...
Get-Duplicates (or Unique items)
Get-LanguageKeywords: Using ConvertFrom-String on About Topics
How to Enable and Disable PowerShell V2 on Windows 8
Jazz up your VBScripts with PowerShell and Windows Forms
Parameter validation affects parameter variables
PowerShell Write-* Cmdlets
PowerShell: Property Hijacking!
Removing Objects from Arrays in PowerShell
Saving Passwords for Add-AzureAccount
Supporting Multiple PowerShell Versions
The PassThru Parameter: Gimme Output
Update-OneGet: Install OneGet on PS 3.0+
Requiring a Version of PowerShell
Using a ModuleSpecification Object
Working with SemanticVersion in PowerShell
Survey Says...
Running PowerShell Scripts: Survey Results
Which PowerShell Versions are Users Running?
Version Control
A Version Control Primer for the Rest of Us
Accessing VersionRecall repositories from another computer
Customizing Git Commands
GitHub: How to update your fork
GitHub: Tell Git to ignore files
How Git branches affect files on disk
PowerShell Studio with GIT, Subversion and Mercurial Oh, my!
PowerShell Studio: Form and Script Recovery
SAPIEN Update Tool manages your download history
Using GIT, Subversion and Mercurial with PrimalScript
VersionRecall integration with PrimalScript and PowerShell Studio
VersionRecall: FAQ
VersionRecall: The version control system you'll really use
-- Select a tag --
Best Practice
Bug Report
Dynamic parameters
Online Help
PowerShell Core
PowerShell HelpWriter
PowerShell ModuleManager
PowerShell Studio
Productivity Pack
Sample Script
Spotlight on Controls
Tips and Tricks
Updatable Help
Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell 5.0
WMI Explorer
Recent Articles
Configuring the AutoUnlock File
How Do Multi-Form Projects Work?
SAPIEN Software Subscriptions
How to add a seat to your Subscription
Deleting your SAPIEN Account