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MessageBox Control [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]

Displays a modal window with a message for the user and at least one button. The MessageBox closes only when the user clicks a MessageBox button. A MessageBox can contain text, buttons, and symbols that show information to the user and require their response.

MSDN Page: System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox




A modal window is a child of the parent form that opens on top of it. When a modal window opens, the parent form is temporarily disabled, but still visible. When the user clicks a modal window button, the modal window closes and control passes back to the parent window, which is re-enabled.

Message boxes are typically used to display important information that the user must acknowledge, such as error messages. Using a MessageBox to display user messages, instead of a custom form, helps to standardize your application and assure that it conforms to best practice design standards.

There is a WinForms MessageBox class (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox), but there is no MessageBox control in PowerShell Studio Toolbox pane.

In this article



Create a MessageBox

To create a MessageBox:

Use the Show static method of the MessageBox class.

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title')

For example:

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Cannot find drivers on computer: $ComputerName", 'Driver fetch error')

Generates this message box when the value of $ComputerName is 'SAPIEN-007'.



To create a MessageBox in PowerShell Studio:

  1. Use the msgbox or msgboxyesno snippets
  2. Replace the 'Text' placeholder with the text that appears in the message box.
  3. Replace the 'Title' placeholder with the window title.

Screenshot 2016 12 15 14.51.51


Here is the MessageBox that the msgbox snippet creates before the 'Text' and 'Title' placeholders are replaced.

Screenshot 2016 12 15 14.55.59


Because the MessageBox class does not have constructors (special methods for creating an object of that class), you do not use the New-Object cmdlet or the New static method to create a MessageBox. Use the Show static method instead.

The Show method has 21 different overloads (like parameter sets) and you can use any overload to create your MessageBox.


Tips for using a MessageBox Control

 #Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"

Screenshot 2016 12 08 17.20.20

Screenshot 2016 12 15 16.00.30


MessageBox Variations

The Show method of the MessageBox class has many variations or overloads, which are like Windows PowerShell parameter sets. This section lists and explains some of the most frequently used overloads of the Show method of MessageBox class .


Message only



To create a MessageBox with text, but no title, enter a single string. To break a line or create paragraphs in the string, use the newline character, `n (backtick-n).

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer")



Message and Title


[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title')

To create a Message box with text and title, call the Show method with two strings. The first string is the MessageBox text; the second string is the window title.

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer", 'Driver fetch error')



Message, Title, and Buttons

[MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons)

NOTE: When you specify MessageBoxButtons values other than 'Ok' that do not include a Cancel button, the system close button (X) in the upper right corner of the MessageBox is disabled.

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons)

To create a Message box with text and title and specified buttons (up to 3 buttons), call the Show method with two strings, and a MessageBoxButtons option, such as OK, YesNo, or YesNoCancel. By default, a MessageBox has an OK button. You can replace the OK button, but you cannot remove all buttons. To add a Help button, use a HelpButton overload.

$result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer", 'Driver fetch error', 'OKCancel')



When using multiple buttons, use the DialogResult value that the Show method returns to respond to the user's button choice. For example:

    Try {Get-Service -ComputerName $textboxCn.Text.Trim() | Out-GridView} 
    Catch {
        $result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Failed. Get services on local computer?', 'Computer name error', 'YesNo')
        if ($result -eq 'Yes') { Get-Service | Out-GridView }


Notice that when you specify MessageBoxButtons that do not include a Cancel button, the system close button (X) in the upper right corner of the MessageBox is disabled. The exception is 'OK', which is the default value.

Screenshot 2016 12 14 12.27.11



Add Icon

[MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon)

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon)

This Show method overload adds a MessageBoxIcon option, such as Exclamation, Warning, or Stop. The icon that appears varies with the version of Windows on the local system.

For example:

$result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer", 'Driver fetch error', 'OKCancel', 'Error')



This Show method requires a MessageBoxButtons value. You cannot skip the parameter or insert an empty string. To omit the icon, use a value of 'None'.


Set the Default Button

[MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton)

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton)

This Show method overload adds a MessageBoxDefaultButton option, Button1, Button2, or Button3. The ButtonX values refer to left-to-right order of the buttons. Button1 is the default. When a button is the default, that button is highlighted and is clicked when the user presses the Enter key.

For example:

$result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer. Run on local computer?", 'Driver fetch error', 'YesNoCancel', 'Error', 'Button2')



Add MessageBox Options

[MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton, MessageBoxOptions)

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton, MessageBoxOptions)

This Show method overload adds a MessageBoxOptions value. The RightAlign and RtlReading attributes are designed for aligning text near buttons and for right-to-left languages. The DefaultDesktopOnly and ServiceNotification values keep the MessageBox on top of other windows, which might be useful for very high priority messages in multi-window applications. You can also enter a value of 0, which satisfies the MessageBoxOption value requirement without selecting any of the options.

For example:

$result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer. Run on local computer?", 'Driver fetch error', 'YesNoCancel', 'Error', 'Button2', RightAlign)



Also, the MessageBoxOptions enumeration has a FlagsAtttribute that lets you select multiple enum values, rather than choosing just one.

$MBOptions = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxOptions]"RightAlign, DefaultDesktopOnly"
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Cannot find drivers on computer: SAPIEN-007.", 'Driver fetch error', 'OK', 'Error', 'Button2', $MBOptions


Add a Help Button to a MessageBox

There are several Show overloads that create a Help button in a MessageBox.



Use this syntax to add a Help button that displays the text in a file or opens a web page. This Show overload does not work properly in the Form_Load event handler.

[MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton, MessageBoxOptions, HelpPathString)

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxMessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton, MessageBoxOptions, HelpPathString)

Use this syntax to add a Help button with a custom response, such as launching a child form or starting a wizard.

[MessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton, MessageBoxOptions, Boolean)

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxMessageBox]::Show('text', 'title', MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton, MessageBoxOptions, Boolean)


Display Help from a File or Web Page

To add a MessageBox Help button that displays the text from a text file or opens a web page, add the text file path to the Show method arguments.

For example, this script displays a MessageBox with a Help button that opens a Windows PowerShell About help file on disk.

$msg = 'Cannot interpret symbols or special characters in input string.' 
$HelpFilePath = "$PSHOME\en-US\"
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($msg, 'Invalid input', 'OK', 'Stop', 'Button3', 0, $HelpFilePath)

The obvious risk of this strategy is that the file isn't found. Before using this method use the Test-Path cmdlet to verify the file location and provide an alternative or use this method only with files installed with your application.

 You can also use a URL in the HelpFilePath string value.

$msg = 'Cannot interpret symbols or special characters in input string.' 
$HelpFilePath = ''
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($msg, 'Invalid input', 'OK', 'Stop', 'Button3', 0, $HelpFilePath)



Display Help in Other Ways

You can add a Help button to a MessageBox and then write an event handler to respond to clicking the Help button. This lets you respond to the Help button click in a variety of ways, such as by displaying a Help window child form or opening a web page.

This Show method overload adds a Boolean value. Enter $True to add a Help Button; $False to omit the Help button.

Remember to set the MessageBoxOptions to 0 or to a value other than DefaultDesktopOnly or ServiceNotification.  To make the Help button the default, set the value of MessageBoxDefaultButton to the last button. In this case, with OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, Help is Button3.

[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::("Cannot find drivers on computer: $Computer. Run on local computer?", 'Driver fetch error', 'OKCancel', 'Error', 'Button3', 0, $True)

 MessageBox with Help button default



When the user clicks the Help button on the MessageBox, it raises the HelpRequested event on the parent form (not on the MessageBox). To respond to the Help button click event, add an event handler for the HelpRequested event to the parent form.

Add a HelpRequested event handler

When the user clicks the Help button on the MessageBox, it raises the HelpRequested event on the parent form (not on the MessageBox). To respond to the Help button click event, add an event handler for the HelpRequested event to the parent form.

 To add the HelpRequested event handler:

  1. Click the Designer tab and, in the Properties pane for the form, click the Event button (lightening icon).

    Screenshot 2016 12 14 11.35.56

  2. Double-click the HelpRequested event.

    Add a HelpRequested event handler


PowerShell Studio adds an event handler for the HelpRequested event (of the form) to your script.

This sample event handler opens a web page, but you can respond to the Help button click in many different ways.

Sample event handler for the HelpRequested event


For more information: 




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